FogNet: A multiscale 3D CNN with double-branch dense block and attention mechanism for fog prediction
Hamid Kamangir, Waylon Collins, Philippe Tissot, Scott A.King, Hue Thi HongDinh, Niall Durham, & JamesRizzo
September 2021
Outlook for Exploiting Artificial Intelligence in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
Sid-Ahmed Boukabara, Vladimir Krasnopolsky, Stephen G Penny, Jebb Q Stewart, Amy McGovern, David Hall, John E Ten Hoeve, Jason Hickey, Hung-Lung Allen Huang, John K Williams, Kayo Ide, Philippe Tissot, Sue Ellen Haupt, Kenneth S Casey, Nikunj Oza, Alan J Geer, Eric S Maddy, Ross N Hoffman
May 2021
Deep Learning Predictions of Coastal Fog Using Autoencoders
Hue Thi Hong Dinh, Hamid Kamangir, Waylon Collins, Scott Alan King, Phillipe Tissot, Niall Durham, & James Rizzo
January 2021
CEPRA Beach Monitoring Phase 8, Surveys and Analysis: 2017 Monitoring Year, Volume 1
Michelle Culver, James C. Gibeaut , Donna J. Shaver, Philippe Tissot, & Michael Starek
April 2020
A deep-learning model to predict thunderstorms within 400 km^2 South Texas domains
Hamid Kamangir, Waylon Collins, Philippe Tissot, & Scott A. King
March 2020
A Bayesian‐Like Approach to Describe the Regional Variation of High‐Flash Rate Thunderstorms From Thermodynamic and Kinematic Environment Variables
Nana Liu, Chuntao Liu, & Philippe E. Tissot
December 2019
Unsupervised Clustering of Multi-Perspective 3D Point Cloud Data in Marshes: A Case Study
Chuyen Nguyen, Michael J. Starek, Philippe Tissot, & James Gibeaut
November 2019
Ensemble Neural Networks for Modeling DEM Error
Chuyen Nguyen, Michael J. Starek, Philippe E. Tissot, Xiaopeng Cai, & James Gibeaut
October 2019
Evaluating Knowledge to Support Climate Action: A Framework for Sustained Assessment. Report of an Independent Advisory Committee on Applied Climate Assessment
R. H. Moss, S. Avery, K. Baja, M. Burkett, A. M. Chischilly, J. Dell, P. A. Fleming, K. Geil, K. Jacobs, A. Jones, K. Knowlton, J. Koh, M. C. Lemos, J. Melillo, R. Pandya, T. C. Richmond, L. Scarlett, J. Snyder, M. Stults, A. M. Waple, J. Whitehead, D. Zarrilli, B. M. Ayyub, J. Fox, A. Ganguly, L. Joppa, S. Julius, P. Kirshen, R. Kreutter, A. McGovern, R. Meyer, J. Neumann, W. Solecki, J. Smith P. Tissot, G. Yohe, & R. Zimmerman
July 2019
Performance of the Coastal Modeling System for Various Conditions in the Navigational Waters of the South Texas Coastal Bend
Sergey K. Reid & Philippe E. Tissot
December 2012
Reply to Alberto A. Boretti’s ‘‘Discussion of Natalya N. Warner, Philippe E. Tissot., 2012. Storm flooding sensitivity to sea level rise for Galveston Bay, Texas. Ocean Engineering 44, 23–32’’
Natalya N. Warner & Philippe E. Tissot
December 2012
Storm Flooding Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise for Galveston Bay, Texas
Natalya N. Warner & Philippe E. Tissot
April 2012
A Cooperative Approach to Resource Management: Texas Game Fish Win
Simoniello, Christina; Tissot, Philippe; McKee, David; Adams, John; Ball, Robyn; Butler, Raymond
October 2010
63 Monte Carlo Simulations and Factor Analysis to Optimize Neural Network Input Selections and Architectures
G. Beate Zimmer, Philippe E. Tissot, Alexey L. Sadovski, & Blair Sterba-Boatwright
Waylon Collins & Philippe Tissot
January 2007
Waylon Collins & Philippe Tissot
January 2007
Water Level Prediction with Artificial Neural Network Models
Carl Steidley, Alex Sadovski, Philippe Tissot, Ray Bachnak, & Zack Bowles
January 2005
Performance and Comparison of Water Level Forecasting Models for the Texas Ports and Waterways
Philippe Tissot, Dan Cox, Alexei Sadovski, Patrick Michaud, & Scott Duff
May 2004
Water Level Observations and Short-Term Predictions Including Meteorological Events for Entrance of Galveston Bay, Texas
Daniel T. Cox, Philippe Tissot, & Patrick Michaud
January 2002
Philippe E. Tissot, Daniel T. Cox, & Patrick Michaud
September 2001
Observations and predictions of tides and storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico
Y.J. Nam, D. T. Cox, P. Tissot, & P. Michaud
September 2001
Local and Remote Forcing of Subtidal Water Level and Setup Fluctuations in Coastal and Estuarine Environments
G. Guannel, P. Tissot, D. T. Cox, & P. Michaud
June 2001
Publications Archive:
Storm Flooding Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise for Galveston Bay, Texas
Response to Discussion of Storm Flooding Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise for Galveston Bay, Texas
A Cooperative Approach to Resource Management: Texas Game Fish Win
Artificial Neural Network Predictions of Water Levels in a Gulf of Mexico Shallow Embayment
Performance and Comparison of Water Level Forecasting Models for the Texas Ports and Waterways
Neural Network Forecasting of Storm Surges along the Gulf of Mexico
Observations and Predictions of Tides and Storm Surges along the Gulf of Mexico
Morphologic Response to a New Inlet, Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas
Coastal Bend Workshop on Streaming Atmospheric and Oceanographic Environmental Data
Corpus Christi Beach (North Beach) Geology, Challenges and Beach Nourishment
Packery Channel, Baseline Physical Process Monitoring Overview and Status
Baseline and Construction Monitoring of Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas
Williams, D. D., Kraus, N. C. 2011. “Seasonal Change in Nearshore and Channel Morphology at Packery Channel, A New Inlet Serving Corpus Christi, Texas.” Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 59 (Spring 2011) pp. 86-97.
Williams, D. D., Kraus, N. C., etal, 2005. Baseline and Construction Monitoring of Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas
Williams, D. D., Kraus, N.C., etal, 2007. Morphologic Response to a New Inlet, Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas (2007 ASCE conference), 14p.
P.E. Tissot and Doug Martin. (2011). Determining the Tidal or Non-Tidal Nature of Indian River Water Level Stations. Final report submitted to Cooner and Associates, Land O’Lakes, Florida and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida. Report under review by the NOAA National Ocean Service Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services.
Jennifer Kennedy and Philippe Tissot (2010). Coastal Bend Workshop on Streaming Atmospheric and Oceanographic Environmental Data. Report provided to participants of the August 27 workshop of the same name and the Texas General Land office, September 20, 2010.
P.E. Tissot, Doug Martin and Lori Busch. (2010). Determining the Tidal or Non-Tidal Nature of Florida Keys Water Level Stations. Final report submitted to Cooner and Associates, Land O’Lakes, Florida and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida. Report reviewed by the NOAA National Ocean Service Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services. The full report will be included in the surveying database LABINS or Land Boundary Information System, the on-line survey and maps information system for the state of Florida. The report will be used by land surveyors working in the Florida Keys.
P.E. Tissot and J. Rodriguez. (2007). Coastal Navigational Safety in Texas: A study of the causes of navigational accidents along the Texas coast with comparisons with Florida, and the United States. Final report submitted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Cooperative Science Center.
P.E. Tissot, R. Ball and J.S. Adams. (2007). Monitoring and Predictive Modeling of Water Temperatures in the Laguna Madre. Final report to Texas Parks & Wildlife and the Coastal Conservation Association, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science, Corpus Christi, Texas. (link).
P.E. Tissot. (2005). Study of a Possible Link between Drowning and Near-Drowning Events and Surf Conditions in South Texas. Final report submitted to Texas Sea Grant.